Using a simple, intuitive form language, Susanne Grønlund exposes the Scandinavian design traditions. She builds upon simple expressions and adds a touch of humor to the traditional elements. Among contempora­­ry Danish designers, Susanne Grønlund is renowned, not only for her strong sense of form, but also for her great touch with materials that mirror and reinforce the designs themselves.

With her own design studio in Copenhagen since 1991, Susanne approaches design in a pragmatic way – as an aesthetic exercise in craftsmanship. Starting a new project, she often develops drafts and prototypes, directly in the materials themselves, creating physical models in her studio – models, which eventually turn into unique designs. To Susanne, it is vital that each design has functionality in addition to beauty. She won’t settle until design and function are integrated in a unique form.

Susanne designs for leading Scandinavian brands including Inno, Softline, Fredericia Furniture, RBM Furniture and Stokke.

When I started at…
When starting up my own company I certainly began with designing textiles because this was what I was educated to do. This means drawing pattern for printing on textiles etc. After a few years I discovered, that this decorating work, often with a strong focus on styles and trends, was not enough for me. I missed to work with the function and to involve me in what the product should be used for.

Then I started up making knitted constructions for women’s clothes and also made clothes out of hand printed textiles. This means following the products all the way from the design to controlling production, doing the sales work, handle customer payments etc. selling to shops around in Denmark. After a period I realized that I had ended up in a situation, where there was more focus on all other tasks than doing design work. Also, my products ended up being expensive and only for rich women.

I turned everything upside down and started up a cooperation with a colleague designer experienced in product and furniture design. This was the beginning of developing a wide spectre of products for various customers: Children’s furniture, toys, furniture for both private homes and the contract market, lighting product, outdoor furniture, aids for handicapped in soft constructions.

The people who I create for …
Are important for my design work. We collaborate and I really respect their opinions and know how that has always an influence on the final result.

When I tell people what I do…
They are often impressed and find it interesting. Design is quite highlighted in our time/at the moment.

When I design … 
I always try to apply some kind of soul, humour and playfulness into the result. Humour is essential in a good life. And it communicates.

My style influences…
Inevitably on the design result. When you put my various works together you see “the red thread”, we say in Denmark. This means that the results has something in common. I always work on putting my personal engagement into the projects. If you don’t do that, the result will miss something important. Maybe you can call it appeal or some kind of message to the world and/or to the user.

The materials we use…
Are important choices for the result. And for the environment especially later on when the product will be discarded, of course.

When I am in a creative rut I….
Disappear from my surroundings, mentally.

What I have noticed in the last few years…
In Denmark, design has been recognized as a really strong way to get more value to products. Before, it was more like extravagance. Now it crucial for a success in most product categories. And the social aspect for using design is growing strong, solving problems of survival for people, get pure drinking water, keep warm etc. Also design is now used for development of systems and services – in a clever way. Than can be tax systems, post systems, hospital systems etc. And it works! Making the world easier for the users. The design tools can really be used for many purposes.

Something I can’t live without…
My boyfriend

My biggest extravagance …
Buying shoes and houses, and renovate them.

My favourite destination is…
Competa in South of Spain and the surrounding mountains.

The big thing for me at the moment…
Success with my work – and that my sons has grown up successfully, with kind and reasonable women in their lives and amazing mothers to my grandchildren. My family is important to me. I use to say that my sons where my first and favourite design.

One of the biggest challenges for me …
Is to control the amount of ongoing tasks. I often enthuse. It is hard for me to say no tointeresting projects although it will demand a big effort from me. On top of the other ongoing projects.

Being a woman in design is … 
Is an advantage. Women are often more empathic and focused on peoples needs. We are born to take care of our descendants, it is in our genes. Of course, many men are also good at it, women are just often better.

My biggest inspiration … 
Is the nature. It is very important for me to have brakes and spend them in inspirational surroundings. Spanish colours and Andalucian landscapes are magnificent and healthy for the soul. It is essential to load up the batteries and to get distance to my work. Then when I come back, I see the work more clearly and find better solutions.

I find peace in …
Taking a walk in the silent nature.

My wisdom for the world …
Take care of it and be better to share.

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